I Am 18 Months Old Now!
Yep, I am 18 months old now! I went for my 18 month checkup and the doctor is kinda concerned that I am not walking yet. Mama and Papa have to take me to the neurologist, but I am getting there in time! Jeez, its like everyone is in a big rush for me to get into things. I started standing by myself last week, and last night I took two steps to the side without holding on to anything. Pretty soon I will be running and everyone will wish I was crawling still.
I am also talking a bit. I say mama, dada, hi, wow, baba, toy, and I shake my head "no" when I don't like something. I clap and give great hugs too! I love animals and I am always gentle with them.
I just got my diapee changed and I am feeling handsome!
Still sucking my thumb!
Of course, the terrible twos are starting a bit early. Tantrums are my new thing, but I just can't seem to get a rise out of mama or daddy! They just laugh at my angry-face.