Felix The Baby Bear!

curious. adorable. stinky. snuggly. tiny. silly. adventurous. sweet. sassy. excited. happy. playful. flirtatious. dear. kissable. hugable. hungry. strong. lovey. spoiled. cuddly. wonderous. destructive. loyal. kind. a miracle baby bear.

Sunday, January 01, 2006


Hanukkah is awesome. I got tons of presents and we ate lots of great food!! Latkes are my favorite. Mommy and Papa and I threw a Hanukkah party at our house and lots of people came! I flirted with all of Mommy's friends, played my drum while Uncle Alex played guitar, and got into the Hanukkah coins and got chocolate EVERYWHERE!

I got this great drum for Hanukkah. It came with a harmonica, a maraca, and a tambourine.

Here's me with my new puzzle! I got lots of cool stuff, like a Noah's Ark toy, some vintage license plates to put on my wall, books, and a Spongebob poster. But the boxes they came in were the best of all!

Here's me partying down with Mommy's friends at our Hanukkah celebration. They all think I am so handsome! I love to charm them all.

Time to go to bed?! I don't think so!


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