Felix The Baby Bear!

curious. adorable. stinky. snuggly. tiny. silly. adventurous. sweet. sassy. excited. happy. playful. flirtatious. dear. kissable. hugable. hungry. strong. lovey. spoiled. cuddly. wonderous. destructive. loyal. kind. a miracle baby bear.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Lots of Updates!

Boy, its been a long time! Mommy has been really busy- we all have! She had my baby brother Lars on March 18. He doesn't look much like me. He has dark hair and looks like our Grandpa B.G..

Pretty cute huh? Just like his big bro. It must run in the family...

Mommy has been very sad lately. Its because I am still not talking. My hearing was tested and Mommy and Papa learned that I hear just fine. I am going to a children's hospital so a doctor can look at my brain with a special machine, but Mommy and Papa already know that I have something called an Autism Spectrum Disorder. This means I might have a harder time than other kids, and that makes Mommy sad, because she loves me very much and doesn't want me to ever have a hard time or feel different.

Look how much Mommy loves having fun with me.

I am going to go to speech therapy to learn to talk, and Mommy is already looking at special toys to help me learn. Some of them look like lots of fun! All my Mommy and Papa want for me is to live a normal life and be happy, and they told me they will do whatever they can to make sure that happens. They are doing lots of research and trying to do things with me that I like, like go to the park and play on the swings.

When Mommy gets more time she is going to start a brand new blog for Lars and me to share! Stay tuned...

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At 6:35 AM, Blogger World Wide Alternative said...

Congratulations guys! We are so happy to see that Lars has arrived. He's gorgy.
As for Felix, what a big bear he is becoming. And he's gorgy too!
I know that things seem difficult right now, but like I've said before Ang, the only thing that matters is the LOVE. I know you guys will be fine 'cause like us you are famillionaires!
Let us know if we can help in any way...

Hang in there,
Love Us. XXxx


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