Felix The Baby Bear!

curious. adorable. stinky. snuggly. tiny. silly. adventurous. sweet. sassy. excited. happy. playful. flirtatious. dear. kissable. hugable. hungry. strong. lovey. spoiled. cuddly. wonderous. destructive. loyal. kind. a miracle baby bear.

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Mueller Park

The park by my house is one of my favorite places! I could go there every day. All the neighborhood kids go there, like my neighbor buddies Ave and Francis. I have even met some new kids I didn't know before. My favorite things to do are dig in the sand and get chased by Papa! I also like the slide. The other day Mama met Papa and me with one of her clients (she works with kids) and we all played together on the swings.


At 6:28 AM, Blogger World Wide Alternative said...

WOW Felix! Your hawk's come in real good neh? Mumma's real sick right now, but when she can sit for longer han 10 secs without throwing up she'll mail your Mamma.
Love you...CHU! Poppy-chan. XX.


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